You make some great points, Gabby, but I wouldn’t say there’s much hate involved. Some people say mean things because they’re trolls and that’s what they do. Others are responding to negativity or ideas they find intolerable.
Most of the negative stuff I’ve read here over the past two years I’ve been on the platform has been inspired by frustration from writers who work hard to produce quality content, but never seem to get a break. It’s galling to see people prosper from writing crap and selling absurdly expensive courses filled with advice anyone can access elsewhere for free.
It’s difficult to accept that fame and fortune are rarely the result of superior intellect, talent, ability, or character. There are numerous examples presented to us every day that it’s the way of the world, so we shouldn’t expect anything different here.
The outbursts of anger are often the result of reading one too many stories from people virtue signaling or who are brand new to the platform and yet think they know enough to tell everyone else how it is. New members haven’t seen the lying, cheating, and inflated egos that often accompany top writer status. They haven’t yet been ripped off by the Medium snake oil salesmen. It’s like getting marriage counseling from someone on their first honeymoon. Consider the source.