You made a lot of assumptions about how I think based on very little information. You've prejudged me based on how you've decided "people like me" are.
I'm sure you mean well, too, but I disagree that your way is helping anybody.
It's impossible to erase differences, and we wouldn't want to, so why even try? Non-white people have been labeled for as long as white people knew they existed. They've labeled white people as well. There have been labels aplenty for hundreds, if not thousands of years. How's that working out? Not well.
Don't you dare paint me with the denial brush. (You really love putting us all in boxes, don't you?) I deny nothing, but I see something: the "us" and "them" narrative that does nothing but tear us apart.
There has been and probably will be "otherism" for a long time. We're hard-wired to be suspicious of differences. You've demonstrated it in your reaction to my statements. They didn't fit neatly into your world view so you went on a tirade indicating just how "superior" your worldview is to mine. I bet it felt pretty good feeling superior to me. That's why racists are racists. It feels good to them, too.
In my life, I've found that getting to know people who are different from me has made those differences less of an issue for all parties. That's how I see things and guess what? I get to be different.