What I find amusing (having spent over 30 years of my life in the SF Bay Area) is that three on-duty police officers showed up at an upscale SF eatery for brunch.
In my 60+ years of life, having lived in five states on both coasts and in the heartland, I have never been served in a restaurant alongside a police officer in uniform. The only time I ever saw one as a patron was in a donut shop in San Jose.
I guess since, these days a cop with seven years on the force can be earning as much as $139,000 a year, they can afford to refine their tastes.
Would I feel comfortable seated next to a table of armed police officers? Not really. Did they have every right to be there? Absolutely. My feelings are not reason enough to deny another person their rights. These restauranteurs are little better than the bakers who refused to make wedding cakes for gay people. How anyone stays in business being so particular about their clientele is beyond me.