This was a very convincing piece. It convinced me to foolishly sign the petition you’re circulating. After reviewing the details of your case and the court proceedings, I no longer wish to be associated with you in any way, shape, or form.
You and your defense team kept changing your story. First you said you had nothing to do with Silk Road. After putting forth various versions of your story, you say that you’re guilty, but that you shouldn’t have gotten such a severe sentence.
You didn’t mention the deaths or the contract killing payments. You didn’t mention the numerous lies you told. You didn’t mention the fact that you were offered a deal that would have resulted in you possibly being out of prison already, but you didn’t take it because you thought you could con the judge and not do any time at all. You couldn’t.
You’re where you are because of your own arrogance. You thought you’d get away with it. People support you because they look at you and see their own brothers and sons. But you’re not like them.
Your actions indicate that you’re entitled, greedy, unrepentant, and pose a serious threat to society. We’re supposed to believe you were just a kid who made a mistake. It could have happened to anybody, except that it couldn’t.
You are smart enough and had the resources to do something good with your life but you did something evil. I’d rather see a hundred street dealers go free than to see you use platforms like these and gullible people like I was to get a break. Your parents gave you everything but a conscience. You have no excuse.
You’re where you belong, Ross. Too bad we can’t put Zuckerberg in there with you. The damage he’s unleashed on society is probably worse. All in the name of greed. You disgust me.