Denise Shelton
Apr 21, 2023


There’s little point in boycotting a dead artist. If they were mean to their kids, it’s better the kids benefit from the inherited royalties. None of us is as good as the best thing we’ve done or as bad as the worst thing we’ve done.

I’ve been reading some early Agatha Christie. Her work is sprinkled with racism and homophobia. It’s shocking but not surprising as these attitudes were embraced by much of her contemporary audience. Today, we can watch charming adaptations of her work that have excised the vicious asides. They give great pleasure to millions. Her sins, in my opinion anyway, are outweighed by the good things she contributed.

The authors you mentioned didn’t enjoy a fraction of the wealth that their works continue to generate for other people. Maybe that is the best revenge for their sins.



Denise Shelton
Denise Shelton

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