There's a fifth category, those over 50 who are still routinely getting laid off and who can't find a job in their field.
My husband just turned 65 and he and seven co-workers were recently told that their jobs were being reposted and they were free to reapply for them in competition with the world at large. Two were set to be eligible for pensions within the next 12 months. These folks will probably be okay since their skills sets are in high demand, but they're really getting screwed on the pension thing.
What makes me crazy are articles that say that Americans are retiring early because their 401ks have done so well. That's nonsense. Most people don't have enough stashed away to maintain their lifestyle for another two years, let alone 20.
After 2008, legions of Americans raided their retirement accounts to keep going when nobody was hiring for two years. Health care costs alone could wipe you out in an instant.