There seems to be a rush in production on everything which almost always results in a half-assed product. Couple that with the effort not to offend anyone who has delicate sensibilities, there’s an ocean of dreck out there for our viewing pleasure.
I watched a movie yesterday set in 1967 where a woman uses the phrase “we got pregnant.” As someone alive in 1967, I can tell you that would never have happened. People would have laughed out loud at the notion.
The same film, which involved working class Catholics in NYC (my mother’s people), didn’t have a single character with a credible accent. Not only that, the actors’ ethnicity didn’t match up with that of their characters. Today, you might meet a guy with a Greek, Italian, or Irish last name who looks Mexican, but back then it was extremely rare. In those days and in that region, Irish and Italian was considered a mixed marriage. The film was based on a true story, too, so it’s even worse. Some of those people are still alive. The lack of historical accuracy was flat out disrespectful.