The only folks who will make any significant amount on that program, Barb, already have many thousands of followers and are not just scraping by. It’s just another incentive for the big earners to stay on the platform, just like the bonuses were.
I don’t think you need to apologize for anything, but then I’m the one who wrote the story criticizing putting Kofi on stories people were already paying for a subscription to read. I assure you, although it pissed a few people off, the majority who read it agreed with me.
Nobody is forcing us to make our living this way. It’s a choice. If it turns out to be a bad choice, I see no reason why I should expect people to contribute anything additionally to help me out. I’m already getting paid out of their pockets. To me it’s double dipping. I’m less concerned about the subscription solicitation because the people signing up for that are reading for free. I suspect there aren’t very many of those.