Denise Shelton
Jan 26, 2021


Oh, dear, Sherry! (I’m clutching my pearls.) I have had more spectacular “incidents” in my checkered past, but I watch myself around my sisters because the entire extended family will hear about it, probably in real time. I too have that point of no return and my husband has, on occasion, had to take the bottle away. Oh the humiliation! I figure my limit is anywhere between a glass and a half and two glasses of wine. I hadn’t been drinking since mid-November, but I experimented on Saturday with one glass of Chardonnay. It went great. One was enough. I had no desire for a second. I tried it again on Sunday and ended up sneaking a second glass. I was in the danger zone. Experiment over. I’m going back to not drinking again. I’m tired of feeling like crap.



Denise Shelton
Denise Shelton

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