Denise Shelton
Jul 13, 2021


Of course they suggest you need to lose weight. They don’t make any money if you don’t. That’s the trouble with for-profit healthcare. These programs are marketed as if they are geared toward helping you when, in fact, their only goal is steadily increasing revenue.

Nobody needs to spend a dime on a weight loss program. We all know how to lose weight: eat healthier food, and less of it, and move more. But we insist on thinking there’s a magic bullet out there that will take the pain and inconvenience out of that. There isn’t.

We’re our own worst enemies. These companies exploit our weaknesses and insecurities. Be it Noom, Nutri-system, or Dr. Oz, these folks not our friends. The only person you can trust to put your best interests first is you.



Denise Shelton
Denise Shelton

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