Not everyone is as sane about this issue as you are, Claire. One writer on this platform wrote an article about how disappointed she was that Adele decided to lose weight. Rebel Wilson has gotten a lot of pushback about her efforts to eat better and exercise. Some people naturally have a tougher time with weight issues than others.
It’s not fair to blame them for that.
On the other hand, we shouldn’t be scolding people who want to change something about themselves that they dislike. Maybe it’s that their weight is causing them health problems or mental health issues or maybe it’s all about vanity. It doesn’t matter. People need to mind their own business. We all have our own values and outlook.
If my front two teeth were knocked out, it wouldn’t make me any less valuable as a human being, but I’d make it my priority to get them fixed. I wouldn’t insist that I was beautiful just the way I was. In my mind, I wouldn’t be, and practically speaking, it would take a saint to think I was.