
My Dad would have been 105 tomorrow. Much of my skepticism and aversion to rah, rah, go, team, shit comes from him. I’ve come to the realization for the umpteenth time on this journey we call life (I keep forgetting, hence the recurring realization) that a lot of stuff millions of people are gaga over do nothing for me. I suspect this is why I will never be a big deal around here. Here’s a short list:

  1. “Reality" TV
  3. Zombies
  4. Influencers
  5. Tattoos
  6. Strappy sandals
  7. Sports in general
  8. Most popular music
  9. Contestant based TV shows
  10. Play-doh
  11. Computers as anything other than glorified typewriters



Denise Shelton
Denise Shelton

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