My brother-in-law lived in Sweden for a number of years. Some of this may be inaccurate or outdated, but here are a few things he mentioned that, as an American, he found surprising: 1. Swedes consider bragging to be socially unacceptable. Telling someone about the great features of your new car or how gorgeous your date was last night just isn’t done. 2. Your bank account is an open book. Anyone who wants to see how much you have can find out, even if it’s just to be nosy. 3. It’s harder to make friends as an adult. Most relationships are long-standing. Someone’s best friend is usually someone they’ve known since childhood. 4. Get caught driving drunk once and you lose your license. Forever. Period. 5. Hard liquor is a lot more expensive than it is in America. If I have any of this wrong, please enlighten me.