I’ve been married for 36 years and the only thing I’m an expert on is my marriage, not anyone else’s. It blows my mind to think that people sought advice from Hollis in the first place. Is she a licensed family therapist? No. She’s an attractive high school graduate from Weedpatch, CA, who became famous by posting a picture of her stretch marks on Instagram. I feel sorry for the people who looked up to her who feel betrayed, but they should accept some responsibility themselves. If you wouldn’t take medical advice from your plumber, you shouldn’t take relationship advice from the likes of Rachael Hollis. What she did was unethical but she’s not held to any standard of professional ethics like a doctor or lawyer would be. She has no credentials. She sold people a fantasy and they were foolish enough to buy it. It’s the basis of much of the buying and selling that goes on in America. We buy products and services in the hopes that they will make us look younger, be admired, attract a partner, or make our kids do better in school. It’s all an illusion. Life is never that simple or that easy, and some dreams are unattainable, no matter how much time or money you invest in them. I’d write a book telling people that, but nobody would buy it.