It’s depressing that whenever I write something that involves my feelings or opinions, next to nobody reads it. My history stories do okay, but I’m not particularly proud of them because I’m essentially retelling what hundreds, if not thousands of people have already told. When the brilliant English playwright and Nobel prize winner Harold Pinter died at age 78 in 2008, his net worth was about $6 million. Justin Bieber’s net worth, at age 26, is $285 million. It’s clear that most people in our society crave cheap, easy, entertainment that doesn’t leave a stain on their psyches. Speaking of Pinter, check out the Ralph Richardson/John Gielgud production of No Man’s Land on YouTube. Viewer warning: it might make your brain work so hard it will give you a headache, but it’s fascinating. What’s it all about? Nobody knows. It doesn’t matter. Bonus: you will probably never feel as bad about your drinking when you see how much the characters in this play knock back. Not surprisingly, Pinter died of liver cancer.