It’s a crazy time. Every one is struggling to feel validated in their opinions and beliefs, but when we speak out, folks line up to judge us and tell us how wrong we are. Social media can be a great way to sustain a long-distance friendship, but it also makes it painfully easy to destroy one. It doesn’t sound to me like your life is better without Candace.Good friends are too valuable to let go without a fight. They’re thin on the ground. It’s hard for most white people to process what’s coming at them. Are you being as open-minded and non-judgmental as you expect her to be? She apparently perceived whatever you said to be a threat and an insult. She stood up to defend your mutual friend. That doesn’t sound like a bad person to me. In fact, she sounds a lot like you. If I may make a suggestion, why not write Candace a nice long snail mail letter from a place of love, love you obviously still feel. With snail mail, there’s no hair trigger response. You have to think about what you’ve read. I think it would be worth a try. I hope you can work things out.