Interesting story, Jim. I grew up in a small town where my parents were florists. We were well acquainted with the funeral business. Funerals were usually well attended. Most potential mourners were local so it was convenient to attend. If you were a church goer, you could pretty much rely on a good percentage of the congregation to make an appearance. The local paper printed obituaries and it was easy to get the word out. I've only lived where I am now for seven years. I can't think of anyone who lives here who would attend my funeral. Each of my four sisters is older than me (I'm 66) and live in different states, so I imagine not even they would all make it. There are funerals I would have attended but by the time the news filters through social media, they're over. I've been to several memorial services in recent years that were informal and quite nice. The deceased was not in attendance and they were held weeks or months after the person died. I'd prefer that over being gawked at in a coffin.