I think America's current mania for labeling and re-labeling people might not be the best practice. Don't most of us identify as human beings? I wonder if a lot of the issues we have in getting along might be lessened if we focus on our commonalities rather than our differences.
When we identify as one thing or another, all our other qualities shrink into the background. We are so much more than what we look like, how we worship, or who we love. We can be mindful of history without dragging it around with us. We can be sensitive to our differences without focusing on them.
In the end, we can call ourselves whatever we like, but good luck getting the rest of the world to agree. Besides, foundational is a four syllable word. People like things quick and easy. It only took a heartbeat for transgender to morph to trans in common usage.
The pronoun thing hasn't exactly taken off either because it's too confusing for most people. They can handle when he/him becomes she/her, but throw they/them in the mix and folks throw up their hands.
So while I understand why you believe a better label is in order, I have to wonder if we'll ever be able to dispense with labels entirely. Maybe the real problem is our need to label in the first place.