I didn’t realize they were still airing The Cosby Show, Kathryne. It’s a tough subject. Does it help to realize that many artists whose work we enjoy are horrible people, but we just don’t know about it yet? We may never know about some of them. I do think you can separate the artist from the art, though.
As for Michael Jackson, he’s dead and he was never found guilty in a court of law. Do I think he did inappropriate, possibly criminal things? Absolutely, but it’s not wrong to acknowledge the happiness his talent brought the world. That was real. Only our idolization of him was flawed. Humans don’t ever entirely live up to our expectations.
Similarly, The Cosby Show is wonderful. My favorite episode is when Theo learns about money from a Monopoly game. Yeah, I would have a hard time watching it now, too. Given their ages, though, your kids are probably fine to not have the whole story at this point. It’s not age appropriate. If they ask, I would use it as a way to discuss the dangers of attributing a good character to someone purely on the basis of popularity or hearsay. It’s also a lesson in the court of public opinion.