I comment a lot, Francesca. I try to make my comments worthwhile. I’ve found that it does help in getting followers, but more importantly, it has led to off- Medium friendships with other writers. These folks help me keep going when the going gets tough.
Another benefit is that it satisfies my need to engage so I don’t do that much on social media where there’s a lot more hostility and where I invariably end up angry and upset.
Comments are also a way to keep your name out there during times when you are unable to do much writing. Being totally silent for a couple of weeks is bad for business. But, you are right. If all you can come up with is, “Awesome story, Margaret!” it won’t accomplish much.
I think it’s important to acknowledge comments on my stories. When people take the time to read, consider, and respond to what I have to say, I feel it’s only right to show my appreciation. Comments are a form of kindness (usually) and who doesn’t need more of that?