I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been, Suzanne. Losing your sister, too, I have no words. I have four sisters. Two I see fairly frequently, two just at weddings and funerals. We all live in different states, but politics is also a dividing factor. I always saw our family as loving, but in truth, we were never overly affectionate with each other. Laughter was the best part of growing up in a large family. At least we had a lot of that.
I was also a Junior Girl Scout, but I quit because I thought the leader was vulgar. (She told one girl to sit down before she wet her pants. I rest my case.) My scouting career had been destined for failure anyway. I was never a type A. I always marveled at the kids who won those sales awards and had so many merit badges they had to sew some on the back of their sashes.
Thank you for sharing this personal, sad, yet uplifting story. The human capacity for survival is a remarkable thing.