He sounds like a jerk, but he does not speak for most American Catholics or most men. He’s the lunatic fringe that’s gained power in the Catholic Church because the more liberal people have gotten disgusted and stopped attending.
My husband has always supported my career ambitions. We were together for seven years before we got married. I took a good long look before I lept. Too many women rush to the altar without really knowing who it is they’re marrying or considering the importance of shared values.
We were lucky in that both sets of our parents were equal partners. We learned how that can work and were able to make it work for us. We just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. We have one son who is now thirty. I worked before he was born and for part of the time he was growing up. I was thrilled to be home when he was in grade school. By then I was fed up with the corporate grind, but I did it because I wanted to. I wouldn’t be too quick to judge women who stay at home. Some of them love it. The freedom to do what you love is what it’s all about.